{"id":"7","title":"Darko Bandic","description":"Born in Zagreb 1967. Darko studied World History and Geography at Zagreb University, from 1987 until the war interrupted his studies in 1991. He soon became interested in seeing the war for himself and began freelancing for Associated Press and other media organizations. Darko has covered much of the wars in Croatia and Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia, he continues to cover the major news and sports stories in the Balkans as well as news and international sport events in Europe for the Associated Press.\r\n
His career with AP has sent him on numerous assignments in Asia and the Middle East including Iran, Iraq, Egypt, and Afghanistan.\r\n
Darko has involved himself locally taking on the position of the Chief Photo Editor of the Croatian weekly political magazine Tjednik during 1997.\r\n
In late 1997 he founded DFA, the first independent photo agency in South East Europe, which supplied photos for local publications and the International media such as Time and Der Spiegel.","picture":"photographers-db-portraitnw-1443533912.jpg","photos":[{"title":"","title_safe":"39","price":"7400","price_eur":"1000","image_code":"BWDB001","picture":"photos-bwdb001-1443533585.jpg"},{"title":"","title_safe":"40","price":"7400","price_eur":"1000","image_code":"BWDB002","picture":"photos-bwdb002-1443533537.jpg"},{"title":"","title_safe":"42","price":"7400","price_eur":"1000","image_code":"BWDB003","picture":"photos-bwdb003-1443533484.jpg"},{"title":"","title_safe":"41","price":"7400","price_eur":"1000","image_code":"BWDB004","picture":"photos-bwdb004-1443533426.jpg"}]}